
RnR Gold Lube og Extreme testet af www.road.cc

Det engelske cykel website Road.CC har testet flere af Rock N Roll Lubes produkter. De har følgende at sige, efter at have testet to af de bedstsælgende kædeolier fra Rock N Roll Lube:

Extreme Lube. Den blå kædesmørelse for våde og krævende forhold, får følgende bedømmelse:
“Very clever lube that goes a very long way and remains surprisingly clean. Rock ‘n’ Roll’s Extreme chain lube is described as being ‘for the nastiest, gnarliest, wettest and muckiest conditions’ and the 16oz bottle is reckoned to last several seasons (it’s out of stock at the moment, but 4oz bottles are available). Another space age wonder lube, I hear you groan. However, it’s really rather good, and several weeks spent bombing along waterlogged B roads suggests there’s substance to the hype.”.

Den gule all-round Gold Lube får også meget god omtale:
“Very clever most-conditions lube that goes a very long way and remains surprisingly clean. While lacking the outright hell ‘n’ high water tenacity of its Extreme, tested last month, Rock ‘n’ Roll’s Gold Chain Lubricant will give traditional wet/ceramic lubes a seriously good run for your hard earned while attracting considerably less gunk en route”.

Du finder begge testene på Road.CC sin hjemmeside. Følg lænkerne nedenfor.